lowongan kerja customer service PT TPIL Logistics 2015
lowongan kerja customer service di surabaya desember 2015 We are a multinasional Freight Forwadding company with main business in air, sea and land
transportation domestics & International.
As part of our bisnis expansion, we are seeking to recruit best candidate and dynamic
individuals for the following challenging positions.
A growing Logistics Provider is looking for motivated highly qualified individuals. Service
coverage includes Domestic & International Freight Forwarding (Air, Sea & Land) and
extending into Warehouse Management, Logistics Project, and Supply Chain Management.
The company is the logistic arm of a trustworthy and reputable national shipping company
that has branches across Indonesia.
Customer Service (Domestic) - Surabaya
PT TPIL Logistics
nah bagi anda yang berminat dan masuk kualifikasi lowongan kerja diatas silahkan apply di sumber atau :
Applicants should submit full resume with a recent passport size photograph to :
HRD PT.TPIL Logistics
Jl. Tanjung Batu No. 4
Surabaya 60165
Closing date : 31 Desember 2015
transportation domestics & International.
As part of our bisnis expansion, we are seeking to recruit best candidate and dynamic
individuals for the following challenging positions.
A growing Logistics Provider is looking for motivated highly qualified individuals. Service
coverage includes Domestic & International Freight Forwarding (Air, Sea & Land) and
extending into Warehouse Management, Logistics Project, and Supply Chain Management.
The company is the logistic arm of a trustworthy and reputable national shipping company
that has branches across Indonesia.
Customer Service (Domestic) - Surabaya
PT TPIL Logistics
- Menerima & melayani client
- Laksanakan aktivitas pelayanan client (mendengar, menindak lanjuti)
- Menyelesaikan tiap-tiap permasalahan atau keluhan client)
- Umur maksimal 35 th
- Pendidikan minimal S1 seluruh jurusan
- Pengalaman minimal 1 th di bidangnya. Lebih diutamakan yg mempunyai
- pengalaman di bagian logistic & transportasi laut
- Penempatan Di Surabaya
- Bersedia lakukan pekerjaan & kunjungan ke sekian banyak daerah di Indonesia
- Inovatif & Mempunyai kebolehan marketing yg Excellent
- Diutamakan yg bisa berkomunikasi bahasa Inggris & Mandarin
nah bagi anda yang berminat dan masuk kualifikasi lowongan kerja diatas silahkan apply di sumber atau :
Applicants should submit full resume with a recent passport size photograph to :
HRD PT.TPIL Logistics
Jl. Tanjung Batu No. 4
Surabaya 60165
Closing date : 31 Desember 2015
Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yg ditimbulkan dari kejadian tersebut.
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Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yg ditimbulkan dari kejadian tersebut.
Ingin tahu contoh penipuan berkedok lowongan kerja..??
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lowongan kerja customer service PT TPIL Logistics 2015
Reviewed by Unknown
2:49:00 AM